Charlottesville, Virginia
Dr. Clouse is the Edwin P. Lehman Professor of Surgery and Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at the University of Virginia and UVA Health. He practices the spectrum of vascular and endovascular surgery with an emphasis in cerebrovascular and aortic diseases. Dr. Clouse is a graduate of the University of Kansas and the Mayo Clinic School of Medicine. He trained in surgery at Wilford Hall USAF Medical Center integrated with the University of Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, then completed fellowship at the Massachusetts General Hospital. During his USAF career, he was PD and APD of surgical and vascular surgery training programs working in affiliation with civilian centers, and co-directed the development of the joint Veterans Administration, Department of Defense Northern California Heart, Lung and Vascular Center. His military career included four tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, and six years as the consultant to the USAF surgeon general for vascular surgery. He was recorder then president of the Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Society. He has served on the SVS Board of Directors and the Editorial board of the Journal of Vascular Surgery, and also as assistant and associate editor of the Annals of Vascular Surgery. In 2014, Dr. Clouse returned to the MGH joining the division practicing, teaching as APD of the vascular surgery training programs, performing clinical research and directing the noninvasive vascular laboratory before taking on the division leadership of vascular and endovascular surgery at UVA in 2019.
Role of Hybrid TAAA Repair: Patient Selection, Operative Approach, and Outcomes
Friday, June 21, 2024
4:20 PM – 4:30 PM CT