University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Katherine Gallagher, Professor of Surgery, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and the Leland Doan Professor of Surgery at The University of Michigan, is internationally known for her innovative translational research on epigenetic regulation of immune cells during normal and pathologic tissue repair and other cardiovascular disease processes. She is an expert in the molecular pathogenesis of wound repair and has contributed substantially to the understanding of epigenetics in immune cells associated with tissue repair, cardiovascular diseases, sepsis and most recently, COVID-19.
Dr. Gallagher graduated with highest honors from the University of Maryland with a B.S. in Physiology and Neurobiology. She graduated with honors from the University of Maryland School of Medicine, did General Surgery Residency at the University of Maryland and concurrently a 2 year Vascular Biology Fellowship at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Gallagher completed her Vascular Surgery Fellowship at Weill Cornell/Columbia University Medical Center.
Dr. Gallagher’s research is distinguished for its high quality and impact and has established the connection between epigenetic reprogramming of immune cells in normal and pathologic tissue repair as well as other disease states (Cell Immunity, JEM, PNAS). For the past ten years she has been an NIH-funded researcher, is currently the PI on an R35, multiple R01s, a U01 and society awards. She is a member on the BTSS NIH-study section and is a founding member of the NIH-NIDDK Wound Consortium. She has trained many post-doctoral residents to be the next generation of surgeon-scientists, numerous residents have achieved NIH(F32/T32) and major society funding(ACS,AAS/SUS,VESS,SVS).
Thursday, June 20, 2024
8:00 AM – 9:30 AM CT